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CM Does Something Different | Nintendo Switch Video Games

Well, we're rather enjoying this 'CM Does Something Different' malarkey. Inspired by our best-selling 'Wise Words' designs we have a bit of fun & try something new. So far, we've drawn self-portraits & baked cakes.

This week's topic was 'video games'. Because that's got to be easier - not to mention less of a health & safety concern - than some of the other hobbies covered by our cards such as 'surfing' or 'skateboarding'. Surely?

Maybe not. Scientists at Simon Fraser University published a study which suggests that "age-related slowing of within-game, self-initiated response times begins at 24 years of age". So, in gaming terms, more than half of the Coulson Macleod team are in 'significant cognitive decline'. Ouch.

"What a load of piffle" we say. We're on a mission to try new things & age is just a number after all (perhaps a very big gigantic number for some of us).

Shell's son let us borrow his Nintendo Switch console (in the school summer holidays, too - very kind). We were treated to a Pokkén battle tournament. What followed was a whole lot of button-bashing, clenched jaws & confused expressions.

Hannah vs. Shell


Shell was raring to go & wasted no time in selecting 'Pikachu' - which is about the only Pokémon most of us had ever heard of. She claimed to have no idea what the buttons did but we think she'd been getting some practice in at home. Hannah played as 'Gengar' which sounds unpleasant & looks a little bit like a rabid purple hedgehog.


Jake vs. Natalie


Natalie was perturbed by the 'goat' that joined in half-way through the battle. We learned that this was a 'support Pokémon' called 'Espeon'. Jake chose 'Shadow Mewtwo' apparently regarded as one of the strongest Pokémon ever. We think Jake knew what he was doing as he referenced playing Capcom arcade games in the past.


Mark vs. Danielle


Impressive combos were flying everywhere in this battle. We'd like to think that it was technique but it was probably just button-bashing. Danielle won the first round. Mark won the second with a 'Zen Headbutt' (don't ask us what that means but we think it sounds contradictory). You can see from their expressions that it all got rather tense but, in the end, Danielle & Weavile took the crown.


Well, there you have it. Coulson Macleod. Designers of greeting cards, art prints & giftware. Trainers of Pokémon. Who knew?

If we take one thing away from this week's challenge, it's this:

Nintendo Switch controllers are made exclusively for the hands of very small children.

Join us on our mission to try something different & send us your photos using the hashtag: #somethingdifferentcm

Whether you're a novice or pro, it's all about having fun. We'll share our favourites on our social media channels & pop a free sample card* in the post to you to say thank you!

Know someone who loves video games? We've got the perfect birthday card just for them. Get it here.


*Free sample card may not be the design shown in this post. The greeting card will be chosen at our discretion. A random design suitable for any occasion.

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