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CM Loves: FIKA | Swedish Coffee Culture

It seems that Scandinavanian culture is having a 'bit of a moment'. If that's the right way to put it. Our Instagram feeds are flooded with beautifully minimal interior design trends. Our TV watch-lists have a plethora of intelligent & ground-breaking 'Nordic Noir' drama for us to binge on.

You've also probably come across the words 'hygge', 'lykke', or 'lagom'.

Here's another one for you. Introducing... the Swedish 'Fika'. Very simply translated to 'coffee & a bite to eat'. That's it. We're sold.

Yet, it's more than that. It's a well-deserved break. It's coffee & maybe cake (or some other delectable food item). Most importantly, it's time shared with people. Swedes understand the importance of taking the time to pause & reflect. To socialise & connect with the human beings around us. Strengthening relationships. Growing friendships. Giving our brains a well-needed refresh & our bellies nourishment (you don't have to tell us twice!).

Simply using these words &, respectfully trying to understand & implement their ideas, doesn't suddenly turn us into a super-chic, super-cool Scandinavians. *Sigh* Unfortunately, our pronunciation is probably still a bit sketchy too.

But, here at Coulson Macleod, we think that the world would be a greater place if we all allowed ourselves some 'Fika' from time to time. Or thrice daily. Whichever works.

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